许多人经历困难,需要帮助. A 人类服务 career gives you the power to support others when they need it most. B.A. Psychology with a concentration in Human Services will provide you a solid grounding in 心理学 and sociology along with studies of 社会 systems, 道德, 危机干预, 心灵科学等等. 专注于改善他人的生活, the program will prepare you for a rewarding career in a diverse range of helping profession fields.
The Human Services Concentration offers an applied psychological and interdisciplinary understanding of personal and 社会 problems often encountered in contemporary society. The program is designed primarily for students who intend to pursue careers in psychological and 社会 service related fields.
我们的人类服务项目隶属于心理学专业, so you’ll obtain a well-rounded education in the 心理学 field as well as a specialization in 人类服务. 通过课程作业的结合, 实习和自主学习, the program prepares you for immediate employment in a wide variety of helping professions, and serves as a foundation for admission to applied graduate study in the mental health and community service related fields.
你也可以把你的学位和人类服务的辅修结合起来. Or, you can pair your 人类服务 concentration with a minor in addictions 咨询 and obtain an additional credential to further your career in your chosen 社会 services field.
- 小班授课使个性化关注成为可能.
- 我们的教授有临床背景, 所以他们从实际经验中进行教学, 不仅仅是从书里.
- You’ll participate in your own practical experiences within the helping professions throughout your curriculum.
- 以你的学位, 你可以从事社会工作, 人类服务, 咨询等相关领域.
- 你可以攻读硕士和/或博士学位.D. 社会工作学位, 人类服务, 咨询, 心理学, 法医心理学和其他帮助专业.
在你的程序中, 你将获得有关心理学理论的最新知识, 人类发展, 咨询, 多元文化的, 研究, 危机干预策略等等. 我们的许多教师以前都在人类服务领域工作过, and we bring those experiences to the classroom to share with students through case studies or as examples during our lecture. 你会学到理论, but you’ll know too how it is actually applied within the various helping profession fields.
With the career-ready knowledge and skills you’ll gain in our 人类服务 program, 你将有能力:
- Employ practical concepts and skills that may be applied immediately in many occupational contexts.
- 了解生物学, 社会, 人类思想和行为背后的情感和认知过程.
- Develop a professional identity that demonstrates respect for diverse peoples, ideas and cultures.
- 整合道德问题的知识.
- 通过学术写作和演讲进行专业交流.
- 准备好进入各种各样的非专业人士, 研究生心理学课程和辅助专业角色.
学习心理学的最好方法是通过体验式学习, 而不是只从课本上学习. 除了有40个学生的新生班, 我们大多数课程的学生人数不超过25人, 哪一个能增加合作和参与式学习的机会. 你将参加小组工作. 你们将参与角色扮演. 你将独立分析案例研究和作为一个类. 你将参与大型小组讨论.
在我们的研究设计课上, you’ll collect data through surveys to hear people’s opinions about specific issues you are interested in exploring. 在一学期致力于文化意识和能力的课程中, you’ll engage in experiential learning activities as well as 研究 to learn more about various groups and cultures and how best to engage with those diverse populations. 在高年级的顶点课上, you’ll explore the various subfields within 人类服务 and take a deep dive into opportunities for employment in the field, 研究生教育和志愿者机会.
A required internship will help you gain practical experiences in the field. 在实习期间, you’ll have the opportunity to serve the community while also learning invaluable knowledge and skills in your field. Students complete an internship usually at a community or 社会 service agency in Tiffin or the surrounding community.
We’ve had students complete internships at a variety of locations and settings, 包括但不限于:
- 大哥/大姐
- 蒂芬CASA
- 里奇兰县儿童服务中心
- 社区安宁疗护
- Firelands咨询 & 恢复服务
- 第一步家庭暴力庇护所
- 港行为
- 全国精神疾病联盟
- 俄亥俄州康复部 & 修正
- Patchworks House of Tiffin
- 桑达斯基县就业部门 & 家庭服务中心
- 塞内卡县公共服务部
- 塞内卡县毒品专案组
- 塞内卡县家庭 & 儿童第一议会
- 塞内卡县缓刑办公室
- 塞内卡县青年中心
- 蒂芬发展中心
课程 & 格式
- 423病例管理- 3小时
- FOR430危机干预- 3小时
- 心理269人类性学- 3小时
- PSY360心理咨询入门- 3小时
- SCS450人类服务顶点- 3小时
- 实习1 - 3小时
- 以下选项之一:- 3小时
- 心理咨询中的文化能力
- 社会中的多元文化问题
- 以下选项之一:- 3小时
- COM310人际、人际和小组沟通
- COR420机构管理
- 《毒品与社会
- 死亡与临终
- PSY390专题
- PSY425跨文化和国际心理学
- PSY440比较心理治疗和治疗技术
- PSY445心理测验学
- 实习二
- SOC310家庭社会学
- 社区社会学
- 社会性别社会学
- FOR, CSL或PSY 200至400级课程(由讲师批准)
合计- 24小时
This is a sample course sequence to illustrate course offerings for this major. Consult the official Academic 公告 for detailed registration and advising information.
危机干预(FOR430) – Focuses on the theory and practice of intervention in various acute situations common in work with criminal justice clients, e.g., 家庭暴力, 自杀威胁/尝试, 身体或性虐待, 以及急性药物依赖发作.
人类性学(PSY269) – Examines physiology of human sexuality as well as psycho社会 aspects of the field. 考虑性取向, 性功能障碍和性反常, 性治疗, 吸引力理论, 目前的研究.
寿命发展(PSY265) – This course takes a life span approach in studying 人类发展 from conception through death. Students will examine the major theories and scientific 研究 findings on our physical, 认知, 社会和个性发展.
在校园 – Offered in a 15-week semester format with start dates of January and August
在线 – Offered in two terms per semester starting in January, March, May, July, August and October
人类服务是一个回报丰厚的领域,也是一个不断发展的领域. 根据美国劳工统计局的数据, employment of 社会 and human service professionals is projected to grow 17 percent from 2020 to 2030, 比所有职业的平均水平快得多.
- 成瘾或心理健康案例经理
- 收养机构
- 儿童发展专员
- 社区组织者
- 文化多样性的教练
- 药物 & 戒酒康复中心
- 员工援助计划
- 寄养机构
- 研究生院
- 启智计划
- 临终关怀中心
- 国际组织
- 精神卫生组织
- 养老院
- 项目评估者
- 心理教育专家
- Research and People-Oriented Jobs in the Criminal Justice and Business Fields (e.g. 人力资源)
- 集体之家的住宅经理
- 社会服务协调员
- 受害者服务机构
虽然获得这样的职位竞争非常激烈, 博彩平台推荐(Tiffin University)的校友已经在这些机构工作:
- 凯霍加县
- 仁慈的健康
- 行为健康新方向
- 阿灵顿县罪犯援助与恢复委员会.
- 顶峰治疗中心
蒂芬,OH 44883
- 心理学专业的人类服务项目
- 获得本领域最新的相关知识
- 教师带来丰富的知识和专业经验
- 必要的实习提供实践经验
- 小型、个性化的课程
“There is always going to be a little doubt in any person’s mind when it comes to new things. But for me, I think proving people, who said I couldn’t do it, wrong is my biggest motivation. 对我来说再也没有什么是不可能的了. The world is constantly changing and I feel like 我是 much more capable of adapting to those changes now compared to when I was walking on to TU’s campus for the first time.”
- Mondays at the Morgue – Ashley Rathbun (`25) and the Franklin County Coroner’s Office
- Tiffin University Criminal Justice Students Place in Research Competition
- Tiffin University’s School of CJSS Hosts Sixth Annual Research Conference and Competition
- Student Scholar All-Stars – Tiffin University Hosts the Annual Academic Honors Ceremony
- Tiffin University to Host Distinguished Lecture Series with Ariana Seanor